note 486
what if i replaced 4% of your molecules with aluminum acetate? you would die rather quickly, no? just a thought i had.
note 485
oh? you like running jokes? then get on a treadmill and be one.
halloween candy
note 484
i’m kind of like if an underappreciated genius was a boy
note 483
what if something really improbable happened. wouldn’t that be crazy
note 482
why do they keep including british people in every show. this forced diversity is getting ridiculous
note 481
has anyone else noticed that there’s been a lot of omens lately? like, i saw a bird the other day that was kind of frowny. what’s up with that
note 480
no, YOU have a good day! kills you with my death beam
note 479
(gets down on one knee) do you want to be my friend
note 478
i just thought of the funniest thing. but i’m not going to tell it to you. that’s because if you laugh too hard a blood vessel in your brain will pop and you’ll die. i saw it in my crystal ball
note 477
i have no redeeming qualities. not that i’m a bad person or anything. i just wasn’t bad enough to need to redeem myself in the first place
note 476
i’m in a handbasket on a road paved with good intentions. all 20 of my eggs are in here too (they haven’t hatched). anyway what was i saying? oh yeah, has anybody seen my water bottle? it’s gotta be around here somewhere
note 475
i don’t have any fatal flaws. you can tell because i’m still alive
the floaty guy!
little geometric guys dancing in formation
note 474
you know what really boils my blood? when people challenge my preconceived notions. i already thought of something and now you’re going to make me think another thing? come on
note 473
The Girl you just called fat? I shoved her into a locker. The Boy you called stupid, I killed his cat. The Girl you called ugly? I set her house on fire. The Boy you just tripped? I threw him into a river. Step up your game. Put this as your status once you’re better at bullying.
note 472
(at supervillain meeting) oh, you think you’re evil? well i only got TWO hours of sleep last night as i thought about my past atrocities.
note 471
i put the “u mad” in traumadumping