note 506
heres a list of most of the letters in the alphabet: abcdefhjklmnopqrstuvyz
note 505
welcome to the year 2023, brought to you by Burt Boffin’s Auto Parts & Collision Repair Shop
note 504
disappointed by your christmas gifts this year? you may have been assigned the Placebo Santa
note 503
call me santa claus the way i’m judging everything you do
note 502
eat a lunch. you deserve it!
note 501
hey how do you feel about forks. picks up a fork and waves it at u you know what i’m talking about? these things?
note 500
well as they say, “the antagonist of my antagonist is my protagonist”
friendly indie
beautiful world ripoff
inventory theme
now THIS is ynfg-core
note 499
shoutout to all the girls who are firing their lazor tonight
note 497
as an anarcho-syndicalist, i could never date an anarcho-primitivist. just too many differences between us to make it work
note 498
some people can’t take a joke these days 😂 for instance, i told a guy “why did the chicken cross the road, IDIOT MORON?” and he got super mad at me 😂😂 lol some people 😂
note 495
i think instead of genetically engineering plants to make them grow better we should try to create shoop da whoop in real life
note 496
”…but it has a keycode. the code changes every week but it should be written on a piece of paper taped to the door.” so you go out to the hallway and see the code is 4871, but the 8 key on the keypad is jammed. you go back and ask, but they tell you… [2/18]
note 494
if that’s your girl, then why is she peeing in my litterbox
note 493
what if instead of Clippy it was called Plippy :)