note 132
when are they gonna invent automatic toilets that work in the dark
note 131
excited for daylight savings time because my broken clock is gonna get to be right 3 times in a day
note 130
if halloween were on october 26th it would be a garbage tier holiday. 96% of the mystique, gone, like that
note 129
me rubbing cream on my skin: “ah, topical”
note 128
me as toddler when mom feeds me: ‘whats the deal with food airplane’
note 127
welcome to my orchestra auditions, i will be judging you solely on how fast you can play Flight of the Bumblebee
note 126
one of my hobbies is failing the turing test
note 125
i have decided to replace abcd order in lists with an alternate system, because :) smiley face, ;) winky face, and 8) coolguy
note 124
me explaining to TSA the importance of my unusual comfort animal: “the oyster is my world”
note 123
Interview: 34-Year-Old Financial Journalist Unable To Say “Alphabet” Without Compulsively Prefacing It With “Google’s Parent Company” (read more)
note 122
starting a psychedelic rock back called Run DMT
note 121
step 2. world domination
note 120
if i had a million dollars for every time i was at the gym and some guy on the treadmill kept squeaking his shoes on the non-moving front part every step but didn’t notice because he was listening to death metal, i’d be rich!
note 119
it’s my birthday so i don’t have to pay taxes
note 118
never, EVER look a gift giraffe in the mouth
note 117
i heard they were going to release the very first ‘wise phone’
note 116
is ‘nutted’ proper AP style guide terminology
note 115
a broken compass is always right if you’re exactly at magnetic north
note 113
on every president’s first day in the White House they have to learn where all the booby traps are
note 114
does anyone know kermit the frogs email address