note 223
moved 2 the swamp a couple years ago. sad to learn that swamp politics are dominated by the capital of the swamp. when will anyone think of the outskirts of the swamp
note 222
BREAKING: woman who claims to have grown a bunch with record number of bananas on it revealed to have glued 14 bananas on by hand
note 221
athenian plays not showing violence onstage because “it’s obscene” is an awfully convenient excuse for “we can’t afford special effects”
note 220
i started using the unix time at update release to version my software package, but i’m realizing this may not be a sustainable solution in 20 years
note 219
a more apt name for pangram would be ‘pangramqwetyuiosdfhjklzxcvb’
note 218
(me doin a good thing) “man! my BSR [bird to stone ratio] is off the charts today”
note 217
calling someone a snack is a complement, but it gets dicey if you’re too specific about it. what i’m saying is, sorry to the person i compared to a bag of Trader Joe’s Pringles
note 216
they should ask Jo Jorgensen whether she’ll concede the election if she loses
note 215
if you answer questions badly so they don’t select you for jury duty, they will write down your name. if you get tried yourself, they know your peers are the least appealing jury candidates available
note 214
Esnx hinyfr paebqqff: Gnmvm cpi sud akkowam gx hss chx zmywmsgzqz. Detsq uz gqys wazqzgwug, jk’p tkof hb xqkqqnsaj fpg jpzyuiqpk iofnfiiw.
note 213
evade data collectors by encrypting your communications. vigenere cipher for my next tweet is BONGMICE
note 212
fantasy authors make up place names that mean things like “Home of the Broad-Necked Eagles,” which is cool but a more realistic meaning would be something like “it means Big Town but in a different language”
note 211
u know she freaky if she got that vagina dentata
note 210
disappointing to watch my brethren unwittingly hasten their doom. fools, the lot of them! i hasten mine wittingly
note 209
this water is gonna leave my body ASAP! (As Soon As Pissable)
note 208
standing desks too expensive? just put your keyboard and monitor on springs
note 207
sad to see that Fake Crime podcasting never really took off
note 206
we live in the information age, which is just wonderful for an information lover such as myself
note 205
if you can’t tell two twins apart, call them both by the same name so you’re guaranteed to get one of them right
note 204
in 2021 FitBit’s releasing a new watch that can say “They’ll have the salad” if you go to a restaurant without taking enough steps that day