note 253
if a tree falls in a forest and no one observes it, it exhibits quantum interference on its way to the ground
note 252
power is not only a fantasy
note 251
as it turns out, doing an unboxing livestream costs a lot of money
note 249
the past tense of wake is wook
note 250
the two biggest cities in Missouri are both on its borders. basically the closest you can get to not being in Missouri. and can you blame them
note 248
twitter’s new policy to improve engagement: after 24 hours without visiting the site your account has a 1% chance of being permanently deleted
note 247
games would make more money if they included megatransactions instead
note 246
The Old English alphabet included the letters thorn (þ), eth (ð), wynn (ƿ), yogh (ȝ), and ash (æ). In the last thousand years we have only gotten rid of the letters with the coolest names. When will this backslide stop
note 245
in golf, your score gets worse every time you take a stroke. this is the game subtly reminding you that it was a mistake to play golf in the first place
note 244
i get out of bed spry and cheery every day, ready to go out and improve some Health Outcomes
note 243
when i verify online that i’m over 18, it’s true now, but it still feels like a lie
note 242
i need some good friends… like, friends that will do anything for you… like, the kind of friends that will lie in court for you… like, even if it’s morally questionable, they will perjure themselves for you… i need this kind of friend by the 11th
note 241
(me, living in doha, qatar) “man, this place is awesome! i love all the GDP/capita!”
note 240
bolted my mouse upside down to the desk and now i just move the mousepad on top of it
note 239
a post-hocracy is when you do whatever you want and afterward decide what form of government it was
note 238
many respected figures are “tough but fair”… i strive to be “tough”
note 237
walking around a party thinking “wow i’m gaining so much social capital right now”
note 236
are there evidence based interventions to make you more of a go getter
note 235
i havent seen 2021 yet don’t spoil it for me
note 234
if you don’t donate genetic material you’re not a true Effective Altruist