note 264
lettuce rhymes with Kentucky
note 263
the US is the only country with .gov domains, so really all the other governments are fakes
note 262
in the uk they call it Goghurt
note 261
my acceptance speech: “this recognition is great, but something more important needs to be recognized. they call this award show the Golden Globes, but the globe in today’s world is Not golden. together, we can change that”
note 260
USDC is going to spike any day now
note 259
a baker’s dozen is 13, but a faker’s dozen is 11
note 256
need to make some more real life friends to boost my follower count
note 257
when i was 8 i sat down at the computer, selected the lightning bolt page border style, and thought “i am going to write a novel in the SECOND person”
note 258
need to make some more real life friends to boost my follower count
martin egg (closeup)
martin egg
martin egg self-actualizes
note 255
creating a new Easter mascot that’s a big egg with eyes. his name is Martin Egg
note 254
happy pi minus one day
note 253
if a tree falls in a forest and no one observes it, it exhibits quantum interference on its way to the ground
note 252
power is not only a fantasy
note 251
as it turns out, doing an unboxing livestream costs a lot of money
note 249
the past tense of wake is wook
note 250
the two biggest cities in Missouri are both on its borders. basically the closest you can get to not being in Missouri. and can you blame them
note 248
twitter’s new policy to improve engagement: after 24 hours without visiting the site your account has a 1% chance of being permanently deleted