



Volleypong is a sport invented on lunch break at MAQ Software. I think it is fun. It’s played like regular doubles ping pong but with the following rule changes:

  1. You can set the ball, like in volleyball. (That is, you can hit it in the air to your teammate.)
  2. Your team must set the ball to each other once or twice before hitting it to the other side.
  3. All shots must hit both sides of the table (like how serves are hit in regular ping pong).
  4. On the initial serve of the point, you can only set the ball once.

The game is still in an exploratory phase as we get decent at it. But I think it has strong potential. I encourage any ping pong enthusiasts to try this for themselves and get back to me.

note 562


i once tried being green. it was trivial for me

note 563


well if it’s not important, then why do i think about it so much? checkmate

galaxy beam


note 561


me and my boys just posted up in the most nutrient dense part of the substrate

note 559


P.T. Barnum [suddenly getting sentimental]: a sucker dies every minute

note 560


why would i check my spam folder for your message. did you send me spam?

note 557


my hindsight is 20/80. what the hell happened, man

note 558


being a cheerleader sounds like fun. smiling, dancing, waving around pom poms. what’s not to like

iguana lounge


note 556


sitting in my chair and waiting for the future

note 554


just got a voucher that says i’m not traffic

note 555


latest gen smart phones are microwave safe

welcome to my lair


note 553


my bad habit is i involuntarily smile when people tell me bad news from their lives. like i’m so sorry for you but i’m so happy that you told me <3

beautiful vhs


note 552


i hate culprits

curriculum for a human body


note 551


get ready for Torment February

my idea for a sport


(the best name i can think of is “skipball” but i think there must be a better one)

skipball is played on a basketball court in teams of 4. the offense starts on the baseline with one player holding a racquetball. the defense starts behind half court. the offense gets a point if they can run the ball across the opponent’s baseline without the player holding the ball ever being touched. the offense is allowed to pass the ball to each other, but the ball has to bounce exactly once before it reaches the other player. players are not allowed to hold or push each other.

skipball is played as best of 5 sets with each team getting 11 tries per set to score points. if you score on the 11th try, you get to continue doing tries until you fail one.