

note 309


(band t-shirt) if you mess with the tuba section, you get the horns

note 308


being at the North Pole is hard mode for Ramadan

note 307


methamphetamines are legal and very healthy. i am a lawyer and a doctor, and this is both legal and medical advice

note 306


in case bouncers don’t believe my fake ID, i have a fake birth certificate to corroborate

note 305


going to stop calling people ‘out of my league,’ now that i have been called up to the Major League of Being Hot

note 304


“I Am Malala” is cool but the main character seems like sort of a self insert…

note 303


when the temperature hits 100 degrees in Seattle, the forecasters say, “Warning: Excessive Heat.” when it hits 100 in Phoenix, they say, “Warning: You Live In Arizona”

note 302


when im president, the only requirement for trans men to have their gender officially recognized will be to solemnly swear to uphold the Bro Code

note 301


if you read the first letter of every question on the SAT, it spells out a riddle, and if you get the riddle right they give you a full ride to Harvard immediately

note 300


ppl really out here in 2021 writing songs that don’t rhyme 😂🤣

note 299


can the mods of /r/thanksobama reopen the sub? i just thought of a good one

note 298


i’m writing a new thinkpiece. it’s like the 95 Theses but for capitalism

note 297


iif your city’s sports teams lose enough games, it gets renamed to Bitchtown until they start winning again

note 296


if i had a time machine, i would go to 2013 and slow-motion tackle my earlier self in the moments just before posting cringe

note 295


the US Bureau of Indian Affairs has found a loophole in their treaties where, instead of returning actual land rights, they return an NFT of the land rights instead

note 294


seeing 1 spider: chill, go get em champ. seeing 2 spiders: who are you and what do you want from me

note 293


what do fish need bones for. theyre in water. just like, flop around

note 292


i recorded the Super Bowl because i was busy that day. going to watch it now and see who won

note 291


can i get one of those big covers they drape on you when you get a haircut, but as street wear

note 290


off-by-one errors in programming are cliché. i would only be off by three or more, if i made such an error