note 340
does Bruno Mars still play Count On Me in his live sets
note 339
if you’re not sure if you’re using an obscure word right, you can probably get away with it propitiously even if you’re wrong
note 338
going to let my phone get hacked then fix it and tell everyone “oops i got hacked” then use that as an icebreaker to start some conversations
note 337
the state may have a monopoly on violence, but i have a monopsony on it
note 336
hey, loser\u2014the 1930s called, they want their outfit back! they’re also not doing so great, they asked us to please send them some help
note 335
vtuber is internet slang for virtual potato
note 334
this is what pac-man looks like at a microscopic level
plum man
the bronk
note 333
i’m going to send you to hell, and then destroy hell
note 332
they both say, ‘Land, ho!’
thank you for your patience
note 331
what do a pirate and a rude air traffic controller have in common?
punchline coming tomorrow
note 330
android fuck off. jonkerOS runs on three TRILLION devices
note 329
loving these new Pokemon they added
note 328
when is congress gonna start writing some laws against Evil
note 327
new on the history channel: Andrew Johnson: Was He The Father Of Lyndon B. Johnson?
note 326
smoking, drinking and vaping right now. just to get it out of the way