note 391
(home alone for the last 7 hours) “there’s no way to know for sure who made this mess, but it’s important to remember that the perpetrator might just be a misunderstood guy trying to do his best…”
note 390
hey babe what if we exchanged Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN)
note 389
i can accept red lines under possible typos, but now text editors try to correct my grammar? my punctuation? my God Damn capitalization? do they take me for a fool? why don’t you go correct the Pope’s interpretation of the bible while you’re at it
note 388
in Independence Day (1996), the US president is some guy who was never the president in real life. the director must have forgot who Bill Clinton was. i bet he’s kicking himself over that one
endless toy room
note 387
oh, you use BAIT when you fish? pathetic. a FISHING ROD? revolting. every morning i wriggle in the stream like the little worm i am, and i grab the fish with my god-given hands and toss them onto shore. if you don’t ascend scaly and wet each night, DON’T call yourself a fisherman
note 386
fun fact: up to 40% of the funny jokes your friends say are ghostwritten by me
note 385
(forgetting my blinker is on) “man, this song has some crazy polyrhythms”
note 384
whenever i solve math problems i root for the eventual answer to be positive. it adds a little drama to the affair
note 383
gonna be a great year for all of my fans of the digit 2 out there
note 382
i like finding long, unfamiliar acronyms. they are like puzzles
note 381
(me trying to flirt) “so whats your favorite genre of sex”
note 380
any time a story introduces characters whose names start with A B and C my guard is instantly raised
note 379
i think someone should make a bluetooth speaker that is shaped like a common fruit or vegetable. seems like you could make a lot of money that way
note 378
touch grass? uh, no thanks. would much rather touch some Ass
note 377
why do people keep saying to “gaslight gatekeep girlboss”? isn’t gaslighting and gatekeeping someone pretty mean?
note 376
“a picture is worth a thousand words” is just Big Picture trying to get you to buy more pictures
note 375
getting excited for “A Very Death Grips Christmas” to drop
note 374
(cryptographer dating profile) “just a Bob looking for my Alice”