note 582
come ON. this road cannot be that bad. it’s even paved with good intentions!
note 581
i’m not sayin i lack self-confidence… but i could use the adulation of hundreds of sprout moles every now and again
note 580
the strongest evidence for god’s existence is when my favorite team wins a football game. and the strongest evidence for His nonexistence is when they lose
note 579
is your refrigerator running, or are you just happy to see me?
note 578
indie album tracklist:
- no story
- who is it
- your love has certain consequences
- Glow Stick (feat. MUNA)
- eiffel tower
- want
- we met in october
- your friends
- everyday
- carsick (3am)
note 577
girl, your a treasure. i’m going to add you to my hoard
note 576
can’t believe eve gave up the garden of eden for an apple. if it was me they would’ve needed something way tastier, like maybe a pizza
note 575
i appreciate Grand Totals, i think they are the only totals really befitting my stature
yume nut 3
note 573
do NOT interact if you work for the Dark Lord
note 574
america needs to construct more blue science packs if we ever want to keep up with china
note 572
dude, did you just offer me a Corona? like, the beer whose name is part of the word coronavirus? no way, dude. keep your disease beer to yourself
note 570
if you’re not with me you’re against me. and if you don’t love me you hate me. you HATE me!!!!!!!!
note 571
didn’t you know, officer? it’s national speeding day
note 567
we don’t need pop culture. we can get rid of it at this point
note 568
the cement is rapidly solidifying around me. but that’s neither here nor there
note 569
i think it would be a fun plot point if a few MLB players missed games because of jury duty each season
note 566
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